HomeBusiness TechnologyTech Trends: Rise of Negative Content on Instagram

Tech Trends: Rise of Negative Content on Instagram

Image Courtesy: Pexels

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms of the 21st century. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, with more people being online, its popularity has skyrocketed. This new customer base (and previous users) bore witness to a rise in negative content on Instagram.

Recently, many posts have a first comment that is “toxic,” even if it has fewer likes. It seems like a vocal minority is getting the priority to voice their opinions.

Most social media platforms, like Reddit and TikTok, suggest content that a user will find interesting.

On Instagram, the comment section of a random cosmetic video by a woman could be filled with hateful and snide remarks from men? Ideally, shouldn’t these men be suggested content that they would like?

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Discover how and why Meta promotes negative content on Instagram for profit.

To put it simply, Meta realized users share negative content at higher frequencies and decided to capitalize on it. This has largely been a profitable move for the firm.

What Counts as Negative Content

There is a large variety of negative content on Instagram available for viewing. It can range from a simple difference in opinion to outright hate speech and misinformation.

Such content grabs the attention of the user as it generates intense emotions, like anger or fear. This leads to greater content engagement as compared to positive or neutral posts.

Spread of Toxic Content on the Platform

Virtual echo chambers are created where people with similar interests and opinions can interact. Here, existing beliefs are amplified, even if they may be factually incorrect.

Additionally, users with opposing beliefs are clubbed in the same group, and so, online discourse begins. This keeps netizens on the platform for longer, leading to higher social media use and more engagement.

Profitability with Negative Content on Instagram

Coming to the main reason behind promoting toxic content, its profitability. One of its primary cash cows, like most freemium model applications, is revenue from advertising.

Ad revenue is based on the number of times it is viewed. Greater engagement driven by negative content generates more ad impressions.

Specific demographics get attracted to negative content, which can be the ideal customer base for an advertiser. Thus, placing a targeted ad strategically improves its ROI by a large margin.

Closing Thoughts

Negative emotions are a permanent part of human lives, but negative content on Instagram does not have to be. Such social media platforms will continue to promote content that fosters hate among the people and drives revenue for them.

So, it is important for everyone to understand why and how negative content is present.

Abhishek Pattanaik
Abhishek Pattanaik
Abhishek, as a writer, provides a fresh perspective on an array of topics. He brings his expertise in Economics coupled with a heavy research base to the writing world. He enjoys writing on topics related to sports and finance but ventures into other domains regularly. Frequently spotted at various restaurants, he is an avid consumer of new cuisines.

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